viernes, enero 25, 2013

LA ONU va a investigar el sistema de Obama para no enviar a nadie más a Guantánamo, es decir, los asesinatos selectivos con drones. En particular esa práctica tan premionobeldelapaz de lanzar un ataque y, cuando se acercan otros a ver, o a recoger a las víctimas, lanzar un segundo. Vamos, como hacía la ETA de los buenos tiempos...
Emmerson told a press conference in London that he’s going to focus on 25 test cases, seemingly of drone strikes, primarily. (Drone strikes and targeted killings are distinct U.S. efforts — targeted killing often employs drones, but drone efforts go beyond the lethal strikes — that often get conflated.) The Guardian previously reported that Emmerson has expressed concern about so-called “double-tap” strikes, in which U.S. drones attack the debris of earlier strikes when people, including rescue workers, gather to investigate.