jueves, noviembre 18, 2010

UN NUEVO MITO A LA PAPELERA: la catástrofe petrolífera del Golfo de Mexico:
 The Great Oil Spill Panic of 2010 will go down in history as mass hysteria on par with the Dutch tulip bubble.

The catastrophists were wrong (again) about the Deep Water Horizon oil spill. There have been no major fish die-offs. On the contrary, a comprehensive new study says that in some of the most heavily fished areas of the Gulf of Mexico, various forms of sea life, from shrimp to sharks, have seen their populations triple since before the spill. Some species, including shrimp and croaker, did even better.

And meanwhile, the media has greatly exaggerated damage found in studies about coral, which is in some ways more vulnerable to oil and dispersant. Most of it is doing fine.
Leedlo entero. Y preguntaos por qué ningún medio informa de ello, con tantos corresponsales que enviaron allí a chapotear en una canoa cutre atada de un cordelito por si acaso mientras enviaban sus crónicas histéricas.