jueves, marzo 18, 2010

DOS NUEVOS ESTUDIOS vuelven a confirmar lo que ya sabíamos: que las predicciones más llamativas de los ecohistéricos eran pura filfa. En el primero, la NASA confirma que el que el calentamiento global reducirá en poco tiempo la selva amazónica a menos de la mitad es falsa:
Now Dr Jose Marengo, a climate scientist with the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research and himself a member of the IPCC, says: “The way the WWF report calculated this 40 per cent was totally wrong, while (the new) calculations are by far more reliable and correct.” These calculations were done by researchers at Boston University and were published in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters. They used satellite data to study the drought of 2005, when rainfall fell to the lowest in living memory, and found that the rainforest suffered no significant effects.
El segundo, que la población de osos polares ha pasado de 5.000 a 25.000, una "reducción" que incluso los matemáticos más creativos van a sudar para explicarla. Es más, en lo lugares concretos en los que efectivamente se ha reducido la población de estos animales son aquellos en los que ha bajado la temperatura:
Of the eight allegedly declining populations, two of them, including Baffin Bay, are non-contentious: sceptics concede that the two sub-populations, representing 16.4 per cent of the bear population, are declining – but in both regions the temperatures have actually fallen, so warming is an irrelevant issue. H Sterling Burnett, senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis, has pointed out that in two regions where the population is growing – the Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea – air temperatures have risen. So polar bears appear to thrive on warming – as scientists claim they did during the Mediaeval Warm Period 1,000 years ago and the Holocene Climate Optimum 5,000-9,000 years ago.
Y Al Gore, ¿qué opina de esto?