viernes, abril 10, 2009

ASÍ es como se tendría que invertir el dinero del Plan-E: con inversiones que después generan actividad económica en sectores punta, no en obras que no generan valor alguno. Australia va a desplegar una red de fibra óptica que llegará al 90% de todos los hogares, las escuelas y las empresas con velocidades de hasta 100Mbps, abierta a cualquier proveedor de internet:
The Rudd Government today announced the establishment of a new company to build and operate a new super fast National Broadband Network.

This new super fast National Broadband Network, built in partnership with private sector, will be the single largest nation building infrastructure project in Australian history.

This new National Broadband Network will:

    * Connect 90 percent of all Australian homes, schools and workplaces with broadband services with speeds up to 100 megabits per second - 100 times faster than those currently used by many households and businesses

    * Connect all other premises in Australia with next generation wireless and satellite technologies that will be deliver broadband speeds of 12 megabits per second

    * Directly support up to 25,000 local jobs every year, on average, over the 8 year life of the project

Under the Rudd Government’s new national broadband network every house, school and business in Australia will get access to affordable fast broadband.
Más aquí y aquí. Así se moderniza a un país y se le prepara para superar la crisis económica, Zapatero. Ojalá tomaras nota.