miércoles, junio 20, 2007

ASÍ QUE la Autoridad Nacional Palestina ha implosionado debido al estrangulamiento al que le ha sometido Israel con su bloqueo, y EEUU y Occidente al negar cualquier ayuda financiera salvo ahora, que vuelve a abrir el grifo sólo para Fatah en Cisjordania, ¿no?

Pues no. Escribe Michael Oren en el Wall Street Journal (requiere suscripción):
Since its creation by the so-called Oslo Accords of 1993, the PA has garnered more international aid than any entity in modern history -- more, per capita, than the European states under the Marshall Plan. The lion's share of this fortune has been siphoned into the private accounts of Fatah leaders or used to pay off the commanders of some 16 semi-autonomous militias. The PA also maintains an estimated 60,000 uniformed gunmen on its payroll, giving the West Bank the world's highest percentage of policemen-to-population.

The Palestinian people, meanwhile, languish in ever-deepening poverty and unemployment, while lawlessness plagues Palestinian streets. The unbridled corruption of the PA and its Fatah headmen served as a principal cause of Hamas's electoral victory in 2006, as well its takeover of Gaza. Viewers of Hamas television have recently been treated to tours of the lavish villas maintained by Fatah officials in the Strip, and video clips showing PA policemen, more abundantly armed and more numerous than Hamas's troops, fleeing at the first sign of battle.
(las negritas son mías; via Carlos Rodríguez Braun)

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