sábado, junio 18, 2005

POCA ACTIVIDAD en el blog, como habréis podido comprobar; hacía un día demasiado espléndido como para estar delante de la pantalla. Mientras tanto, os propongo un ejercicio: ver en cuántos periódicos de nuestro país se dedica espacio a esta noticia crucial:
Iraqi political leaders broke weeks of deadlock on Thursday, with Sunni Arabs accepting a compromise offer to increase their representation on the Shiite-led parliamentary committee that is to draft a constitution.

The agreement was a significant step forward in Iraq's political process, which has been mired in arguments between Shiite and Sunni Arabs over how many Sunnis to include on the committee. Still, it fell short of being final, as political leaders have not yet agreed which Sunnis would be chosen as members.

The offer - 15 additional seats and 10 adviser positions for Sunni Arabs - was first made last week, but was rejected by many Sunnis, who said they wanted more seats. Since then, Shiite committee members sweetened the offer, saying the committee would approve the new constitution by consensus and not by vote, making the precise number of seats held by each group less important.
Con lo que se estuvo resaltando cada vez que los suníes rechazaban la oferta -por supuesto, sin que a nuestros aguerridos observadores se les pasara por la cabeza que estaban ante un típico estira y afloja propio de toda negociación política-, ahora vemos que lo que realmente cuenta, el acuerdo final, es miserablemente pasado por alto. Claro, es que se trata de una buena noticia.