domingo, junio 12, 2005

¡ALERTA MÁXIMA! ¡PELIGRO INMINENTE! Aviso dirigido a cualquier impermeable que pueda estar en la sala: la lectura del siguiente párrafo puede resultar mortal, o cuando menos provocar un síncope capaz de dejar secuelas cerebrales irreversibles:
A recent public opinion survey of Iranians, conducted by The Tarrance Group, surprisingly found that a vast majority (74%) of Iranians feel America's presence in the Middle East will increase the probability of democracy in their own country. The survey, which was the first of its kind, found two-thirds of Iranians believe that regime change in Iraq has been a positive for both neighboring countries: with 66% believing that it served Iran's national interests, while 65% believed the Iraqi people will, in the long-run, be better off.
Y mientras tanto, por nuestros pagos tenemos una mayoría más ayatolista que el ayatolá (via Roger Simon).

ACTUALIZACIÓN. Robert Mayer comenta.