miércoles, mayo 18, 2005

MIENTRAS EN SIRIA están teniendo lugar manifestaciones pro-democracia (aquí hay una imagen), "Baby" Assad empieza a hablar de reformas:
Beset by U.S. attempts to isolate his country and facing popular expectations of change, Syrian President Bashar Assad will move to begin legalizing political parties, purge the ruling Baath Party, sponsor free municipal elections in 2007 and formally endorse a market economy, according to officials, diplomats and analysts.

Assad's five-year-old government is heralding the reforms as a turning point in a long-promised campaign of liberalizing a state that, while far less dictatorial than Iraq under Saddam Hussein, remains one of the region's most repressive. His officials see the moves, however tentative and drawn out, as the start of a transitional period that will lead to a more liberal, democratic Syria.

Emboldened opposition leaders, many of whom openly support pressure by the United States even if they mistrust its intentions, said the measures were the last gasp of a government staggering after its hasty and embarrassing troop withdrawal last month from neighboring Lebanon.
Leedlo de cabo a rabo; más que nada para cuando leáis en la prensa española lo negativa que resulta la política del malvado Bush en Oriente Medio.