sábado, mayo 21, 2005

GERARD BAKER en el Times de Londres, sobre la comparecencia de George Galloway en el comité del Senado de EEUU que investiga el mega-fraude del programa Petróleo por Alimentos:
I also wondered what his and our life might have been like if he had deployed some of his little-man courage before Saddam; standing up for some of those other hundreds of thousands of other good Muslims — Iraqis, who could have done with a persuasive advocate there and then.

Perhaps in the end, if you’re a cynic you may find Mr Galloway’s asymmetrical approach to authority — a lapdog in the hands of the one who likes to watch as his victims are tortured; a lion in the face of those who threaten with questions and subpoenas — simply the familiar mark of the coward. If you’re an optimist, you might find it oddly comforting The Mother of Parliaments clasps him to her bosom. The world’s greatest deliberative body sits in embarrassed silence as he lectures it on its shortcomings. Nothing surely illustrates better the absolute superiority of the West’s system and what underpins it that we tolerate and even reward such lèse-majesté. We know what Saddam did to those who were brave enough to utter much more cogent critiques of his rule.
(via Rantburg)

Por cierto que a Galloway le crecen los enanos: hay denuncias de fraude en las elecciones que le dieron un escaño en las últimas elecciones legislativas.

ACTUALIZACIÓN. Hitchens, despiadado. Y en la diana.