miércoles, mayo 26, 2004

OMAR, EL BLOGGER IRAQUÍ, vuelve a traducir unos cuantos comentarios dejados por los visitantes de la web en árabe de la BBC. Mis favoritos:
We lived our worst years under Saddam regime, a regime that many Arabs still believe in!We don't know why don't they leave us in peace, especially the Arab media that turns liberation into occupation and criminals into resistant. We, Iraqis, know the truth very well. The situation is much better now for the vast majority of Iraqis. Most of the people are government employees who used to get paid 4 or 6 thousand Iraqi dinars. Now the lowest salary is 100 thousand Iraqi Dinar. We feel free and we don't fear prisons and torture. The Arab media, as expected, made a huge fuss about the prisoners abuse in Abu-Gharib. Shame on them. Where were they when Saddam put explosives around a bunch of young men and blasted their bodies and they all saw that on TV? Where were they?

Y este otro:
The daily life in Basra is not that different from other parts of Iraq; It's very hot, the water and power supply are not Continueous, still I prefer to live a year in these conditions than one hour like those we lived under Saddam.
Abbas Mahir Tahir-Basra.

(via Harry's Place)

¿De verdad alguien piensa que se puede dejar esta gente a su suerte?

Por lo menos, los soldados noruegos creen que no. De hecho, exactamente igual que los españoles, aunque los medios del país estén estén rindiendo pleitesía al gobierno y nos lo escondan. Pero en el resto del mundo lo saben.